I vividly remember receiving a HUGE bouquet of balloons from my Dad for my 6th birthday. It was right in the middle of my kindergarten day, all the five year old eyes were on me. I felt awesome. That same year, my Dad watched me fall off our swing set (so it did travel with us) and hurdle backwards into space breaking my arm. He was the first one to my side. I am not sure which memory came first.
What I do know, is that my Dad loves me. He has attended to me in my happiest times and in my scariest times. The catalog of events that he has saved on me must be overwhelming. Tonight, while jabbering on the phone with him he reminded me that he has, in total, over 90 years of parenting under his belt (adding up all the siblings, etc.). He also, through a fun spirited conversation about my son, reminded me to have a sense of humor and to recognize the good in people, even when only the bad decides to show up.
Thank you Dad for deciding to recognize my good (my Mom during the same telephone encounter decided that this was grace) and for the humor surrounding "my goodness". Thank you for being with me through my life; through the tough and the fun. Congrats on 90 years!
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