So you can gather from the title that this is my first ever blog post. Don't all clap at once. My space will probably not have pictures, so if you are looking for cute babies and a wonderful husband, you can visit my Facebook wall. My space may offend some people. If this is you, please help yourself and refrain from reading any more of my posts. My space is not up for discussion. This space is simply my thoughts written down so that I may start to archive and protect my memories and my meditations, my fancy and my not so fancy feelings.
I have been wondering about the feminist movement in the United States. Anyone that needs a refresher course, you can visit: In the beginning is was about earning the right to vote (to have a political voice). After the vote, this movement tried to combat social and cultural issues with equality being the goal. We now are striving for further political equality, pushing and sometimes breaking the "glass ceiling". What a great story. Inspiring to say the least. Yet, what a juxtaposition. In the fight to gain a political voice, higher education, reproductive rights, equal pay (well, almost) and legislation on domestic violence (to name only a few) women have, in many cases, had to give up on the welfare of their family.
This is where I might start to offend you. If so, please refrain from reading any more....I can't promise it will get much better.
I wonder how (if it can be) this quandary may be rectified? It is not simple. Having a daughter makes it even more difficult to rectify. I would never throw out what women have gained over the last 50 years in the U.S. But now that these rights are afforded to us, there has to be a conversation on how to utilize these rights to the best of our ability, keeping our family bonds intact. I am not speaking to the single female. I am speaking to the females that readily enter into relationships with the thought of procreating. This one act, giving new life, being the one to bring life to fruition, should cause women to pause. Should there be personal sacrifice attached to the decision to bring a new life into the world?
And this is where I stop today. There is laundry waiting, a kitchen to clean and a workout to be had.
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