A too cool moment |
I happened upon my own blog today and decided that this was a good day to drop all my thoughts onto paper. I was ready to pen something fantastic. My thoughts were jumbled but usually once I start writing I hit on one topic and can run. These mixed and shaken thoughts all fell to the floor when I saw my last unfinished blog entry. The title was interesting and it made me curious to see what was written. "Too Cool," was my title. I stared at a blank page. I had written nothing. Nothing? Not even remembering when I began this entry, I gave a slight chuckle. What had been so cool? It could have been a myriad of different items, people, thoughts, quotes, nature (my list could go on). But what was "too cool," I wondered? And why did I not carry it through? Write it down? Was I interrupted? Was it a sarcastic title? I looked at the ordinary date. There were no clues. I had no idea what was "too cool."
There are so many not cool times in our lives. Struggles, races, sickness, headaches, disorganization (this list could also go on and on). I write about these times. I feel my not so cool moments deeply. These moments seem to carve me into the person I am today. But I am also, more importantly molded by my so cool moments. I would like to remember these "too cool" moments more. Write more about the happiness I am feeling. Sometimes I think that snapping a couple pictures will do the trick. But obviously, for me, I need to write more about the awesomeness that happens every day. The smiles, the eagerness, the laughter, the contentment, the messy morning hair of my two children, my husband's work and ultimately, my happiness.
So, other thoughts will come on a new day but for now I will be happy to go retrieve a waking child from her nap and have a nice cup of coffee and then maybe a tea party. Too cool.
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