"May we be fully present, here and now, aware of the gift of each moment.
May we pay attention with kindness to what is happening within us and within our children.
May our hearts open wide with compassion for ourselves, our children, and our world.
May we live fully in our bodies as we bless our families each day.
May we open to the great love and grace that holds us all.
May we care for each other and for the earth as we draw wide the circle of our family.
May we all find peace.
May we all be well."
May we pay attention with kindness to what is happening within us and within our children.
May our hearts open wide with compassion for ourselves, our children, and our world.
May we live fully in our bodies as we bless our families each day.
May we open to the great love and grace that holds us all.
May we care for each other and for the earth as we draw wide the circle of our family.
May we all find peace.
May we all be well."
Leave all your expectations at the door. Do not, under any circumstances bring any baggage into the delivery room. You will be carrying enough with you when you exit. Do make peace with your soon to be past self. Examine yourself closely and pick one trait that you will hold close to your heart. Let all others fly away with the breeze. They can and will be replaced.
Close your eyes. This is the hard part. Your body will need you after your bundle of joy is born but you will not be able to tend to it. This is the first sacrifice. There is no need to be scared of blood, for it is your own blood. Your body will heal itself without you. Your body knows that it has been abandoned and that you wont be coming back for a very long time.
Your bundle of joy will cry for a very long periods of time for no apparent reason. You will be rendered helpless. Your bundle of joy will also sleep for very long periods of time and you will also be rendered helpless. Take your helpless feelings and flush them down the toilet. Snuggling this package tightly whether they are asleep or wailing is all you need to do. Do not shove milk in their face. Do not wildly search the internet at 2am for answers. Do not yell at your partner. Just give love, unceasingly. This is the most helpful you will ever get to be.
Remember to listen to your gut. There is so much information out there. Don't let this information rule your life. Your instincts will sometimes have to take over. Have confidence in your instincts. Do not let intellect get in the way.
Be smart. Learn to recognize your own panic signals. Do not under any circumstances confuse panic with instinct.
Remember to allow Time to cradle you. It passes so slowly. Nap with your bundle of joy. Laugh with them. Sing, dance and cry with them. Take each passing second as a gift. Settle into Time and allow it to slow you down. Learn to manipulate Time for these purposes but don't disrespect Time as you will find, it may be your last (and truest) companion.
Have patience and always show up with your smile.
When you find yourself alone, which will not happen often, do not give in to laziness. Take a walk, eat a healthy snack, take a shower or start a project. Your body will be happier and will thank you later.
Do not, under any circumstances, give up. Adjust your sails routinely, hold fast to your commitment, and allow the breeze to carry you forward.